Friday, August 17, 2012

Continued Developments

Happy Friday Everyone,

     Still working on the finally touches of the first video tutorial, and if you haven't noticed yet I've made several additions to the Blog. On the right side of the page =====>> You'll find two weekly tip posts. Every week I'll update these tips with a new tech tool and tip, so keep coming back to stay updated. I've also created a forum at the bottom of the blog which allows the community to post a help request, ask for consulting advice, provide feedback on the Blog and forum, as well as make suggestions on topics to discuss or suggestions for new tutorials and reviews. Lastly, for those who find it convenient to follow my blog through e-mail, I added a special section just for you!! :-) Below the Tech News section on the right column, there is a spot to "Follow by email". More developments and ideas on the way! Until next time, Be blessed.

Update:: Apparently, comments were not enabled for visitors, and restricted. I opened up the comments as well as adjusted the timezone to Eastern. Apologies to any readers that experienced any issues with these items.

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